
Microfrontends Tutorial

This tutorial will guide you through the essential elements of a real-world microfrontend, step by step. Then you can start modifying the example code. And you can use it it as starter for your own microfrontends as well.

Software Localisation

Creating multilingual software is not as easy as it might seem. This article shows how to localise a user interface. You will learn about message catalogs, contexts, plurals, date formats and localised layout as well as a lot about human language in general.

Best Practices

This article provides guidance how to best implement microfrontends. These provisions are not obligatory in the same way as the OpenMFE specification is; however it is strongly recommended to follow them, unless there are very good reasons to violate these principles. Such cases should be well-documented including a reasoning why the principle cannot be followed.

Behind the OpenMFE Spec

The OpenMFE Specification is a standard for building microfrontends. On this page, we explain the thoughts and ideas behind the specification.